Current Funding
NIH/NINDS R01 1R01NS130183
Cortical basal ganglia network dynamics during human gait control
The long-term goal of this project is to understand the cortical-basal ganglia network activities that are involved with human gait control, and reveal the abnormalities in this circuit that underlie gait disorders in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Career Award for Medical Scientists
Using adaptive neurostimulation to understand and enhance motor skill learning in Parkinson’s Disease
The goal of this study is to use adaptive brain stimulation to reinforce circuits involved with motor learning in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
NIH/NINDS R01 1R01NS130066
Multimodal MRI to predict DBS motor and cognitive outcomes in Parkinson’s disease
The objective of this proposal is to evaluate the usefulness of preoperative fMRI, DTI, and QSM imaging data for multivariate prediction of motor and cognitive outcomes in Parkinson’s disease in 100 patients receiving deep brain stimulation.
UCSF Catalyst Award
Development of personalized adaptive deep brain stimulation for enhancing gait functions in patients with Parkinson’s disease
The aim of this study is to design personalized aDBS architectures to modulate stimulation based on a patient’s movement state, switching between their identified “gait-optimized” settings during walking and “other PD symptom-optimized” settings during non-walking.
UCSF Chen Scholar
Treating freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease with personalized adaptive neuromodulation
Past Funding
Michael J. Fox Foundation: Therapeutic Pipeline Program
Using adaptive deep brain stimulation for gait re-training in Parkinson’s disease
K12 NS080223 NIH/NINDS
Defining the role of corticostriatal network activity in human motor learning
UCSF Catalyst Grant
Development of neural biomarkers of gait in Parkinson’s disease for adaptive deep brain stimulation therapy
UCSF Catalyst Grant
Discovering biomarkers of lower limb movement and locomotion through human spinal cord recording
Weill Pilot Award for Junior Investigators in the Neurosciences
Decoding the neural signatures of gait in Parkinson’s disease
Marcus Program in Precision Medicine
Using chronic brain implants to understand and enhance motor learning in Parkinson’s disease